Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, Inc.

Written by Libre Online

1 de diciembre de 2021

This year the fair came a little late because of the Pandemic Covid 19. Since we did not know that the fair was going to be canceled the student’s portfolio was left at the fair for this year exhibit.

The judging also came a little late but nevertheless was judged and once again we have a student from our school picked out from all public and private schools in Miami-Dade County to display her work in the fine arts gallery located in the fair until December 5th, 2021.

Her name is Anaysa Hechavarría she’s one of our seniors this school year. We at Lincoln-MartÍ congratulate her for her beautiful artwork and are very proud her accomplishment. The fair will reopen again in March 2022 in which we are busy in the process drawing to enter again.

All works must be done and submitted in January 2022 there is no room for procrastination.

We hope to get picked again for the 2022 exhibit and make our school at Lincoln-Marti # 28 Proud!

Ms. Yamila Aguiar, Principal

Ms. Kris López, Art teacher

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