Written by Fernando Milanés

1 de septiembre de 2021

The lesson of the Afghanistan Crisis is plain: Strength prevents war; weakness invites it. We need a commander-in-chief who understands that – and who won’t leave us facing a foe who thinks he doesn’t.

The Democrat party was in a conundrum.   Either they surrender to the radical left and lose to what they saw as their worst enemy, or they use a façade of being bipartisan and moderate as they once used to be.  

They went with Joe Biden and attempt to reshape his image and past history.   

As an old TV program use to say “will the real Joe Biden please stand up”  Biden had always been the typical middle of the road politician.   

Not overtly dumb, but also not to bright.  On the negative side he was known to lie to aggrandize his history, plagiarize speeches and statements as if he was the author, and having a “short fuse” when criticized by the media. On the positive side he was always a vote available if another Senator of either party needed it.   

That action gave him the label of being bipartisan, but in fact so did the clerk that deliver coffee to all members, Republicans or Democrats.   

In a Nation rapidly being govern by career politicians that stayed in power for decades, as a form of enrichment, not “making waves” was an asset.  The Democrat leaders in their desire to keep their leadership and not have overt opposition followed the Goldilocks principle.   

Biden defined the “just right” dogma and thus was promoted Biden to lead several committees.    Senator Biden even if he lacked intelligence in academic terms, he was street wise and behind his modest and self effacing, he allowed his family to exploit his contacts, taking a cut from their financial gains.   

After becoming Vice-President to the very popular Obama, for the last presidential nomination he made a logical choice by his party leaders in order to counter the socialist movement.   

Disregarding the how, he won the post and took over the highest position in our Nation.  Instead of looking for more experienced in his upcoming assessors, he formed a Cabinet from Obama’s second and third teams.   

He governed appearing to be mostly on his own, but directed by someone, or a group yet to be known. Whatever!    His first 6 months have been more disastrous than our worse expectations.   Being sold to “we the people” as not Trump he totally misunderstood the meaning. Trump’s Achilles heel was his personality, thus he was supposed to be the antithesis as a uniter, level headed substitute, not prone to emotional outbursts and/or twits.  He instead dedicated himself to turn back every domestic and/or foreign policy disregarding their effectiveness and without an appropriate substitute.   

With an obvious performance deficit his actual decisions were more akin to the Democrat radicals than the middle of the road actions we were sold. His latest debacle and the most dangerous was the extreme mismanagement of our planned extraction of our remaining armed forces in Afghanistan.    Now, the whole World, allies and enemies, look at our country as weak and vulnerable.    

For a leader to appear feeble can only result, as we now face, in our friends leaving and our enemies attacking.   

Now what?  The Democrat Party played their hand and it was a loser.    From secure border open to millions of traffickers and people from all over the world without proper vetting, from oil independence to asking the cartel to produce and provide us more, from a booming economy, paused by a pandemic, to a never seen spending spree, inevitable increased inflation, and now losing the World leadership and respect that we have had for over a century.  

The blaming Trump policy has run its course.  The ruling Party is looking forward to huge electoral loses.  Now, back to the drawing board they are desperately trying to change our Constitution and separation of powers by the Federal Government assuming our election process, dominating the judicial branch, and maintaining eternal control as in Venezuela, while claiming democracy.   

Be aware and place pressure on the few honest democrats in the Senate left, and the “weak” republicans that are such in name only.    Whatever, our future is dubious at best, our population changed, and our children being brainwashed.    We have to rebel, with our votes, words and actions with or without Joe.   

If not, our descendants will only know of our country’s success by reading history books.    Once there was Camelot…..!


A woman who cradled a baby in her arms at the airport and posted on social media that she loved her job. A young husband with a child on the way. Another man who always wanted to be in the military. A man who planned to become a sheriff’s deputy when his deployment ended. Heart-wrenching details have emerged about some of the 13 U.S. troops killed in a horrific suicide bombing at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport, which also claimed the lives of more than 160 Afghans.    Eleven Marines, one Navy sailor and one Army soldier were among the dead, while 18 other U.S. service members were wounded in Thursday’s bombing.

I know you well!    For two thirds of my professional career I was privileged to lead a group of dedicated persons, many veterans themselves, to try and make bearable the inevitable scars that body and soul suffer while serving in the Armed Forces.   

I know you well!   I know for a fact that any action by you or any of your mates is suffered by all.    You taught me that as soon as you placed the US uniform on, you ceased to be and individual, to become just a part of a bigger self, your unit, your service branch, the other branches, the purpose of being, and the duty given by God as protector of your Nation and its values.   

I know you well!    Any act of heroism, sacrifice, wound, and even death was felt by all as you were part of it as well.    I have to thank all of you that I met, as you gave my life purpose and an example of dedication, patriotism and self sacrifice that not many others achieve.   

This is why, watching the bodies of the 13 latest of you that lost their youth and future for the rest of us, my heart aches and eyes tear.   

If only, at least in this day of mourning we could all follow your example and be just a small part of one, regardless of skin color, gender, beliefs, and politics some achievement could be felt.  

Because you taught me the facts, we are all different cells that form a body.   

And only this union could survive, and will fight against any attempt to divide us.    We live as one, and die as one!


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