“Sus oraciones, gestos y palabras de consuelo fortalecen a Surfside”, dice a LIBRE la vicealcaldesa Tina Paul

Written by Demetiro J Perez

7 de julio de 2021

Surfside is our home. It is a small seaside cosmopolitan Town. People who live in Surfside came here seeking tranquility and comfort by way of neighborhood closeness. The tragedy of the Champlain South building has brought the world to our doorstep amidst the heartbreak of loss of life and property.

The 33154 zip codes is three communities that are integral to many facets of our living quality, with restaurants, shops, synagogues, churches, schools and our precious pristine beach. The strong New York connection among our residents includes myself, having come full circle back to my hometown.

The cultural diversity here is rich with a strong Cuban, Latin and South American population and Jewish Community equally varied by country origins. The one thing we all have in common is our Love of place, for a community that transforms and keeps its identity as the most desirable place to live because of the beautiful simplicity that connects us. Now the world sees our special place and why we live here.

We are grateful for our Town staff, residents and businesses volunteers, our neighboring Municipalities and the coordination by Miami-Dade County for the emergency first responders, State and Federal assistance including the Red Cross and FEMA and the International assistance for rescue and recovery.

Your prayers, kindness and words of comfort provide Strength for Surfside.

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