Written by Fernando Milanés

1 de diciembre de 2021

As the bit and pieces of Durham’s 70 plus pages Grand Jury presentation started filtering it reminded me of when I was a psychiatric resident at UM.  We had to present cases to the well known Psychoanalyst Jose A. Gurri.    He liked my presentations as I started with simple facts that then led to a difficult diagnosis.  

I loved it when, as the hard part started, he always, with his unique British accent (he had trained in England with Anna Freud)  said “and the plot thickens”.   

Here is what we know; a charge has been brought against attorney Michael Sussman.    He happens to be associated with the same law firm that hired Fusion, which in turn produced the well known false report called the Steele dossier.   

He is accused of lying to the FBI about connections of the then candidate Donald Trump to a Russian Bank.   He told the agents that as a lawyer specialized in hacking cases, he found and thus presented the evidence.   He denied any Clinton campaign link even if there was billing to that source.  [Michael] Sussman is the centerpiece for these allegations because he ties the Hillary Clinton campaign to Fusion GPS to Christopher Steele to the Department of Justice and the false information they fed to the FBI and DOJ to spy on the presidential campaign. 

It’s exactly the heart of the matter.  “It’s a 27+page indictment for a lying count that you normally have about five pages to discuss. It is a very well laid-out conspiracy charge that outlines other figures involved that I just mentioned, stated a former prosecutor”.    

What else we know?    Non other that Jake Sullivan, the one that we watch in the news justifying Afghanistan’s disaster, and Biden’s National Security Advisor, repeated these false statements to a friendly reporter and House Committee, to wit;

“This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow,” Sullivan claimed. “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server, linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank. This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia… This line of communication may help explain Trump’s bizarre adoration of Vladimir Putin.”   

Sullivan added: “We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia, as part of their existing probe into Russia’s meddling in our elections.”   

 Sullivan was asked about Alfa Bank during 2017 testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, saying: “I think there is ample evidence at this point in the public record of collusion, coordination, and conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians”.   

 In turn, when the MSM went into “alarm mode”, repeating these and subsequent Steel’s claims, candidate Hillary Clinton repeated what she and her staff had made up as if they were undisputable facts.   

Next, one that might also come up, the attorney from the same firm that contacted a company named Fusion and they in turn used ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who made up the false “dossier”.   

These facts have not yet been leaked, but it is obvious that the whole criminal plot will soon be known.    How far up the criminal charges will go and to who is not clear yet, but as my dear friend Gurri would say; and the plot thickens.

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