Recordando a José Antonio Saco

Written by Demetiro J Perez

25 de abril de 2023

Al cumplirse otro aniversario del natalicio del intelectual cubano José Antonio Saco (1797-1879), cabe recordar sus contribuciones al pensamiento cubano. Saco fue una de las figuras cubanas claves del siglo XIX y era reconocido como Diputado a las Cortes españolas, escritor, publicista, ensayista, antropólogo e historiador. Las ideas de Saco forman parte fundamental del ideario cubano, y su huella permanece en la identidad cubana.

Remembering José Antonio Saco

On another anniversary of the birth of Cuban intellectual José Antonio Saco (1797-1879), it is fitting to remember his contributions to Cuban thought. Saco was one of the key Cuban figures of the 20th century and was renowned as a Deputy to the Spanish Cortes, writer, publicist, essayist, anthropologist, and historian. Saco’s ideas make up a fundamental part of the Cuban ideology, and his mark remains ingrained in the Cuban identity.

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